
Why is WHM cPanel the Best Control Panel for Hosting a Website

cPanel’s is a crucial part of web hosting. It would be easy to manage or host a website when you do not have a control panel. WHM cPanel makes this complex task further easy with its many advanced features. This suite of tools makes the management of servers and users more efficient. Here, in this blog, I will discuss why WHM cPanel is the best control panel for hosting a website. However, before we move on to discuss this concept in detail, it is essential, to begin with, a formal introduction.

What is the WHM cPanel?

If you have gone through several articles on the web, you must have heard about the cPanel and its connection with website hosting. In simple words, it is an online control panel that enables you to understand and manage Linux hosting. As soon as you settle for this panel, it will enable you to assume control over several administrative tasks such as creating a website, managing emails, resetting passwords, managing subdomains, and forwarding emails. The reason why many people have decided to settle for the cPanel is that it enables you to manage everything with ease.

Configure it Like Dedicated Servers

One of the best things about WHM cPanel is that you can configure it like dedicated servers. It allows you to set mail server, server hostname, and even assign IP addresses to users. Just this one feature makes all the difference in the world. You get the flexibility and access to things that you could never find in the simple cPanel.

Set Reseller Hosting Packages

You can set your own reseller packages with WHM. It gives you full control over your hosting. Whether you host your own website or sell it to others, it’s up to you. Whatever you decide, you have the full freedom and all features to do it efficiently. For example, you can:

  • Set limits for bandwidth usage
  • Create or terminate hosting accounts for customers
  • Limit storage usage
  • Create pricing packages

All these facilities allow you to create and sell as many reseller packages as you want according to your server’s size.

Better Security

WHM secures your system at multiple levels. With the latest tools backed into the cPanel, you get to provide the best security to your machines and customers. If you notice any threat, you can block individual IP addresses or entire regions. You can deploy SSL certificates in your entire network and use multi-factor authentication. Furthermore, it’s easy to encrypt all outbound messages in WHM. Many malware apps can be integrated into the cPanel interface.

Analyze Server Stats

Nothing is hidden when using the WHM control panel. It shows you everything that is going on in your network. There are advanced monitoring tools that allow you to see how each resource is being utilized. You can diagnose and analyze these stats to get insights and make smart decisions. It also ensures that you can foresee potential threats before they become an issue.

Easier Domain Management

You can set up as many domains as you like with WHM without any hurdles. Whether it is redirects, subdomains, or parked domains, the highly comprehensive tools of WHM make management easy for you. Furthermore, you can configure password-protected directories and protect each customer individually. You can also customize the dashboard for each domain or client with your brand in front of them. It’s easy to change the style and notifications to give the feel of your company.

Hassle-Free Migration

Migration is usually not an easy process. However, WHM makes it no problem. You can transfer cPanel accounts from any remote server easily. It also means that upgrading is no longer a problem. If you are not satisfied with an existing hosting, WHM allows you to easily migrate all your websites and domains from other control panels.

For over 20 years. the WHM cPanel has been the leading hosting automation platform that is the reason you must choose your website hosting with a cPanel Certified Partner as they will offer all the features of the control panel.

The post Why is WHM cPanel the Best Control Panel for Hosting a Website appeared first on SpyreStudios.

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