android accessibility testing directional control

Creating Accessible Android Apps: Assistive Technologies

Whenever you design an Android app, you want as many people as possible to download and use that app, but this can only happen if your app is accessible to everyone—including people who access their Android devices via assistive features, or who experience mobile apps without elements such as colour or sound.

In my last post about Creating Accessible Android Apps, I showed you how to provide the best experience for everyone who uses your app, by optimizing your application for the accessibility features that are baked into every Android device. I’ll also covered accessibility best practices, and how to really put your app’s accessibility to the test, before sending it out into the world. 

By the time you’ve completed this article, you’ll know how to create applications that integrate with screen readers, directional controls, and Switch devices, plus other handy Android accessibility features such as closed captions.

Supporting Assistive Technologies

An assistive technology or accessibility feature is a piece of software or hardware that makes devices more accessible. Android has a number of accessibility features built in, and there are many apps and even external devices that people can download or purchase in order to make their Android devices better fit their needs. 

In the same way that you optimize your Android apps to work well with the touchscreen and different screen configurations, you should optimize your app for these accessibility services.

Optimizing for assistive technologies is one of the most important steps in creating an accessible app, so in this section I’m going to cover all the major accessibility services and show how to optimize your app to provide a better experience for each of these services. 

Supporting Screen Readers

Users with vision-related difficulties may interact with their Android devices using a screen reader, which is a speech synthesizer that reads text out loud as the user moves around the screen. 

Recent releases of Android typically come with Google’s Text-to-Speech (TTS) engine pre-installed. To check whether TTS is installed on your device:

  • Open your device’s Settings app.
  • Navigate to Accessibility > Text-to-speech output
  • Check the Preferred engine value—this should be set to Google text-to-speech engine.

The TTS engine powers various screen readers, including Google’s TalkBack, which is the screen reader I’ll be using:

  • Download Google TalkBack from the Google Play store.
  • Navigate to Settings > Accessibility.
  • Select TalkBack.
  • Push the slider to the On position. 

If you own a Samsung device, then you may have the Voice Assistant screen reader pre-installed. Voice Assistant is a port of Google TalkBack that has many of the same features, so you typically won’t need to install TalkBack if you already have access to Voice Assistant. 

Navigating in Screen Readers

Most screen readers support two methods of navigation: 

  • Linear navigation. Delivers audio prompts as the user moves around the UI in a linear fashion, either by swiping left or right or by using a directional control (which is another accessibility service we’ll be looking at shortly).
  • Explore by Touch. The screen reader announces each UI element as the user touches it.

It’s important to test your application using both linear navigation and the Explore by Touch methods.

Note that some people may use TalkBack alongside the BrailleBack application and an external, refreshable braille display. Braille support isn’t something you can fully test without purchasing a braille display, but if you’re interested in learning more about these devices, then there are plenty of braille display videos on YouTube.

You can also use the BrailleBack app to preview how your app’s text will render on a braille display. Once BrailleBack is installed, navigate to Settings > Accessibility > BrailleBack > Settings > Developer options > Show Braille output on screen. Navigate back to the main BrailleBack screen, push the slider into the On position, and BrailleBack will then add an overlay that displays the braille cells for whichever screen you’re currently viewing.

Now that you’ve set up your screen reader (and optionally, BrailleBack) let’s look at how you can optimize your app for this accessibility service. 

Adding Content Descriptions

Text labels add clutter to the screen, so wherever possible you should avoid adding explicit labels to your UI. 

Communicating a button’s purpose using a trashcan icon rather than a Delete label may be good design, but it does present a problem for screen readers, as there’s nothing for that screen reader to read! 

You should provide a content description for any controls that don’t feature visible text, such as ImageButtons and CheckBoxes, and for visual media such as images. 

These content labels don’t appear onscreen, but accessibility services such as screen readers and braille displays will announce the label whenever the corresponding UI element is brought into focus. 

You add a content description to a static element, using android:contentDescription:

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