Fresh New Fonts: April 2024’s Hottest Releases!

Check out the best new font releases for April 2024! Often new fonts are released with some nice discounts, so it can be the perfect time to pick them up when they’re fresh out of the font foundry. Some of these typefaces have up to 60% off, I’ll also share some of the latest variable font additions to the Adobe Fonts library, which you can activate for free as part of your Creative Cloud subscription.

Red Oak (50% off)

Plush (60% off)

Magic Vintage (26% off)

Exalted (30% off)

Active Uno (Download from Envato Elements)

Moneis (Download from Envato Elements)

Alvida Fatface (50% off)

Beckenham Retro Serif


Voyager Brush Font

Config Variable (Activate on Adobe Fonts)

NewsSerif Variable (Activate on Adobe Fonts)

Range Sans Variable (Activate on Adobe Fonts)

The post Fresh New Fonts: April 2024’s Hottest Releases! Medianic.

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