
How to Upload and Download CSV Files With AngularJS

This post will show you how to upload CSV files data to AngularJS, read the data, and then convert it to JSON for processing. Then, you’ll see how to do the whole thing in reverse and download a CSV data dump from AngularJS.

CSV files are preferred because of their simplicity. They are also widely supported by many types of programs and provide a straightforward way to represent spreadsheet data.


Before you get started with this tutorial, make sure you have Node.js installed on your computer. If you don’t have it yet, head over to the official website and install it.

You should also have a basic understanding of the following technologies:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

If you already have Node.js have installed, check if you have the latest versions of Node and NPM.

CSV Modules in Angular

There are several ways of manipulating CSV in Angular, and they include:

  • Papa Parse: Papa Parse is a powerful CSV parser which is capable of parsing CSV strings in small and big files as well as converting back to JSON. We will be using this library in this tutorial.
  • csvtojson: This is a node package which is also simple to use.
  • File Reader: It is used to read the contents of files using File or Blob objects to specify the file to be read. However, this is not an efficient way because you still have to loop through all the lines of the CSV and then JSON.stringify the results.

Getting Started

Our goal is to be able to do the following:

  • download a CSV file on the client side
  • upload a CSV file
  • read a CSV file
  • convert CSV file data to JSON for processing

Our interface should  look something like this:

Example app interface

We will first start by writing the HTML code for the interface shown above.

Create a folder named my_project, cd into the project folder, and create two files: home.html and app.js.

Since we will be using the Papa Parse module, head over to the official site and download the library. Next, extract the contents and save the papaparse.js and papaparse.min.js files in your project folder. Your project structure should look like this:

Below is the  HTML code for creating our interface. Save it as home.html.

In the code above, we use the ng-app directive to define our application. We then add the AngularJS and jQuery libraries to our web page as well as the rest of the script files, i.e. app.js, papaparse.js, and papaparse.min.js.

We then define the application’s controller and then bind the HTML controls to the application data.

Download a CSV File

Since we already have the interface with the link where a user will be able to download the CSV file, we now proceed to write the Angular code that will contain the data to be downloaded, and then bind it with the HTML controls.

We then make the CSV available for download on the client side.

In app.js, initialize the Angular app and define the CsvCtrl controller.

Next, define the sample data in JSON and convert it to a CSV file with the help of the Papa Parse module.

Uploading and Reading a CSV File

Here is the Angular function that uploads and reads a CSV file.